Legal Terms

Agreement of Training


This agreement will have legal validity immediately after the purchase between Youngsters Community and THE "CLIENT".

Every service provided by Youngsters Community to the client will be subject to this agreement.

The client, in exchange for the training services provided by Youngsters Community, agrees to pay an enrollment fee of $2,000 pesos, in addition to a monthly fee of $3,000 pesos. 

If the client does not attend the training sessions, regardless of the reason, within the first 10 days of the month, they will be deregistered and will have to pay a reinstatement fee of $2,000.

The athlete will notify with 21 days in advance in case the costs established in the above lines undergo any change.

Such costs will take effect in the immediate following month after notification by Youngsters Community.

To terminate this agreement, the parties must do so in writing with a notice period of 30 days prior to the termination taking effect.

This agreement authorizes Youngsters Community to use photographs obtained from the client's training sessions in all forms, to advertise and market their business.

The client accepts this and from this moment indicates that they do not have the authority to request any compensation for such use.

The client agrees that they will not use any drugs to enhance their performance or any recreational drugs during the term of this agreement. This will result in immediate termination of the agreement, and depending on the severity, possible notification to the corresponding authorities.

Given that it is their intention and will to enter into this agreement, free from any defect of consent that could affect its validity, and recognizing that there is no error, deceit, bad faith, violence, or intimidation of any kind that could invalidate or affect it, the parties sign this agreement on the 01st day of January, 2024. 2024 dos mil veinticuatro.


Confidentiality Agreement

The "CLIENT" acknowledges that under this service agreement and the relationship with Youngsters Community, they will become aware of confidential information and learn professional sports techniques, such as trade secrets, training and sales techniques, programs, designs, codes, advice, consultations, and other information, which should be considered as all information of such nature and not known by third parties unrelated to the athlete, including information conceived, originated, discovered, developed totally or partially by themselves, whether through oral or written information, diagrams, instructions, ideas, courses, concepts, specifications, processes, procedures, knowledge, and any other information that by its nature is considered confidential of the "CLIENT" is aware that such information and techniques are the property and top priority issues for the "CLIENT", by virtue of the economic and competitive advantage it represents, an advantage that directly depends on such information being kept in strict confidentiality and secrecy.

Therefore, such information, techniques, and others are strictly confidential, so they undertake not to use them for themselves or for a third party, undertaking not to disclose, communicate or make them accessible to any person, for their own benefit or third-party individual or legal, under penalty of the criminal and civil sanctions they commit and undertaking to repair the full damage in case of disclosure.

Privacy Policy

In compliance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data held by Individuals, the "CLIENT" expressly acknowledges that they were explained the nature of the data collection carried out, fully understanding that they were provided voluntarily and that they are inherent and necessary in all work relationships; in accordance with sections II and V of the aforementioned law, the processing of their personal data includes their obtaining, use, disclosure, and storage by any means, as well as their access, handling, exploitation, transfer, disposal, assumptions that Youngsters Community and its directors, administrators, affiliate companies, associates or related companies can carry out, as properly done in all service provision relationships.

Jurisdiction And Competence

In everything not expressly agreed upon in this agreement, the parties unconditionally subject themselves to the competence of the corresponding Courts in the city of León, Guanajuato, as well as to the competent authorities in case the "CLIENT" incurs in the disclosure of information according to the immediate clause above.

Read by the parties hereto and having understood and accepted the legal content and scope thereof, they manifest their understanding in its entirety and in conformity with the present contract, acknowledging that it does not contain clauses contrary to law, morals, or good customs, they sign this agreement on each of its two numbered pages, in León, State of Guanajuato, on the 1st day of January, 2024.

Release of Liability Against Third Parties


I, as a "Client" of Youngsters Community, accept that by participating in any physical activity, including this training that I requested, entering any training center, using any equipment, it is and will always be at my own risk, and from now on, I exempt and excuse _______, from any injury or damage that I may suffer, during or after my workouts.

This includes, but is not limited to, my use of any exercise equipment. I assume the risk of my participation in any activity. I agree that I voluntarily participate in the aforementioned activities and assume all risks.

Therefore, on my behalf, on behalf of my heirs and any representative, I waive and forever release Youngsters Community from all liability or expense that may be attributed to it.

his release is extensive, and being of legal age with all physical and legal faculties at the signing of this document, I accept it voluntarily in its entirety, recognizing that it does not contain clauses contrary to law, morals, or good customs.

Full name:


                                                      Signature of the "Client"